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1 Beiträge gibts von 'Bill Chapman'. (Ålle zagn)
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Bill Chapman am 15.10.2002 14:48  (vua 8057 Tåg)
Where can I buy Villacher in England
Wuhtes Senf dazua:
d'ehre mister billy!
it's supa-anfoch: you go to se ärport (frinzns in london glasgow), fly to klognfuat ("KLU" they say dazua on se flightdesk), take a cab to the station ("he, olta, ma bring mi bittschen zum hauptbohnhof, oba flott!" you say to the driver), jump up the train to VILLACH HAUPTBOHNHOF (you can go "black" there, because of the short distance nobody will tscheck you and your ticket), fall out of the station in villach (because you drank a lot during your journey) and totter down the BOHNHOFSTROSSN until you reach the BRAUHOF! and here you are - where the VILLACHER BIER is born!

don't forget to call me!
da wuhte
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